Friends of Lawns
Who we are
Friends of The Lawns (FoTL) is a group of parents, carers and teachers working together to raise funds for the nursery and provide support at events.
What we do
Throughout the year FoTL organise events such as the Family Fun days, coffee mornings, charity collections and cake sales. Over the years the money raised has been used to greatly benefit all our children, most recently buying new equipment for the nursery garden.
How can you help?
We are always in need of new members in order to continue the good work we do. Fear not, you don't have to sign up to help with everything: some of us just manage one meeting a year, some just come along to help blow up balloons at events and others enjoy helping on stalls at open days. You can do as much or as little as you want.
Want to find out more?
Email us on: