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Nursery Routine

Session Times

Morning 08.45 to 11.45am 
Afternoon 12.30 to 3.30pm 

In the afternoons we do open the door at 3.15pm to help those of you who have to collect children from different schools.  

Please try to be on time when bringing your child, as the session starts with a vital teaching time. Please also try to be on time when collecting. We will not allow your child to leave with someone we do not know. The children are precious and we take the need to keep them safe very seriously. It is very upsetting to be the only one left and a few minutes seems a very long time to a small child. If someone we do not know needs to collect your child, we must have prior notice of a letter, or a telephone call in an emergency.

Book Bags

Each child has a book bag which they use to carry their own choice of book from a collection of Core Books, carefully selected for their support and interest for budding readers. They are able to share these books with their family and carers, as well as sharing the same titles with other children and adults in the Nursery. These book bags should be brought to Nursery, and taken home every day. Book bags are available to buy from Reception.


When the children arrive in Nursery, they collect their name from the board in the entrance and take it to their teacher to register. Don't worry if your child has difficult finding their name. Point to it and show them where it is so that they don't become anxious.

Many children first begin to recognise their name by the initial letter. What a problem when there are a number of words all with the same initial letter! If you show your child their name and draw attention to the different surname another child with the same Christian name has, it is surprising how quickly your child will begin to differentiate.  We never want the children to feel anxious or worried as this inhibits their learning.

At the beginning of the session the children access free flow play activities until 'get together time' where the children gather with their key worker. This gives the children an opportunity to share their experiences and choose a helper. It is also a time to experience literacy and numeracy activities in a meaningful situation. The children then move into the whole nursery, including the garden where all of the curriculum can be accessed. Staff plan very carefully for all areas and ensure there are activities that will suit all children's abilities and take them further in their learning.

At the end of the session children help to tidy the areas, again offering further opportunities for 'real' numeracy and literacy activities. They then return to their class teacher and early years educators for activities such as story and music etc. 

What to Wear for School

The children need to be dressed appropriately for all activities available to them, in clothes which are comfortable, and not too delicate or precious. Please do not send your child in 'best' clothes in which they will be put off trying many new experiences in case they get them 'dirty'. Some of the most valuable play for this age group is 'messy'. Also, it is important that clothes are those which a child can cope with on their own when visiting the toilet - please no dungarees or belts. For safety reasons we ask that the children only wear flat shoes and do not wear loop earrings.

Outdoor play will be available every day, only in the most severe weather conditions do we stay in! It is important that the children wear sensible sturdy shoes or wellington boots and have enough warm outdoor clothing to be in the garden in winter. Many of you shop at the same places so please mark all items with your child's name. 

Sweatshirts and t-shirts with The Lawns' logo are available to buy from Reception.

In addition, your child will need a change of clothes every day. These should be brought into school in a small draw string bag (not plastic please) and taken home at the end of the session. This is so that another child can use the same peg during the other session. You can also purchase the small drawstring bags from Reception. 


The children are always able to access water and we also provide milk and a snack. It is very important that if your child suffers from any allergies you inform your child's teacher and record details on any form you are given. Staff will always help you to do this if you need them to. We hold an Under Fives Healthy Eating Award, and part of this project requires us to refrain from providing food containing sugar.


When celebrating children's birthdays we have been asked if parents as an alternative to sweets and chocolate would either provide a healthy treat such as a piece of fruit or a non food treat such as a sticker to share with their class. We ask that it be something that is easy to distribute.  


If you wish to take your child out of school to go on holiday please could you fill in a Holiday Notice form which you will find in the leaflet rack in the entrance.


A medical form should be completed if you wish your child to be given prescribed medicine in school. This includes inhalers for asthma. These will be kept in school under the supervision of staff and taken home at the end of the session if the child only has one inhaler. 


We don't encourage children to bring their own toys into school because they can easily be lost and this can be distressing. However, if your child has a toy (like a teddy bear) that they are very attached to they can bring it into school until they are settled and no longer need to depend on it. 

Attendance and Illness

Children are expected to attend every day unless they are ill, in which case we would be grateful if you could let us know. If your child has sickness or diarrhoea you must keep them at home for 48 hours after they have stopped being ill. This is essential if we are to prevent other children and staff becoming infected. Guidelines for how long to keep children off with other infectious illnesses are available, just ask a member of staff. If your child's attendance is irregular without good reason, the Governors will have to consider allocating their place to another child. 


If you have any concerns at all about your child, however small, please mention them to your child's teacher and we can deal with any problem immediately. Our first concern is that children and families are happy and secure with us and we will do everything we can to make sure this happens.